"tabata did me wrong"
8 rounds (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) of each movement
*score is round with lowest number of reps
wall-ball with 20lbs medicine ball
hang-power snatch with 45lbs barbell
My scores: 5 wall ball, 10 snatch, 6 pull-ups, 5 burpees. Ouch.
Here are some hump-day links I gotta share:
I found a complete summary of Gary Taubes' book Good Calories, Bad Calories in point form online here. The author talked with the copyright holders and was cleared to post it online, but it may not be up for long. Go download it! If you've read the book, it's a great refresher. If you haven't read it, it's a great overview.
Team Rubicon shuts down their Haiti operations. Here's an excerpt that covers why:
Organizations such as the UN and Red Cross have finally reached full speed in their logistics and medical employment; as such, Team Rubicon can no longer operate within the scope of its mission in Haiti. Food and water are being delivered, acute and traumatic injuries have been treated and hospitalized, and operating rooms are working at capacity. The continued employment of small, self-sustaining Team Rubicon elements is no longer a cost effective solution; our dollars spent per life saved will now exceed large NGOs for the first time since the earthquake.
Keep an eye on these outstanding folks for updates and continued no-BS accounts of the Haiti response as they post after-action reports and media interviews.
Gotta go, but happy hump-day y'all! It's dinner time:

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