3 rounds:
7 backsquat @ 155#
7 decline pushups
7 deadlift @ 245#
7 chest-to-bar pullups
Felt better this time. Completed all the squats unbroken, and got 2 rounds of the deadlifts unbroken. Round 3 on deadlifts went 5-2. Good strength work, but my legs were toast at the end. Just what I need to be doing! Then, just when I was expecting a short break, Big Mike sent us on a mile run!
1 mile run
Didn't time it, just did it. Big thanks to Chris Hartwell for pushing me through that run, I felt like I'd just done a workout at the end of it. We got a few minutes to catch our breath and before getting into the workout.
team of 2, 3 rounds for time:
While team member 1 (TM1) completes 5 barbell burpee-clean-and-jerks @ 135#, team member 2 (TM2) does laps of farmers walks with pair of 45# plates. Then TM2 goes to the barbell while TM1 does farmers walks. This = 1/2 of one round.
While TM1 completes 5 barbell burpee-clean-and-jerks, TM2 does as many handstand pushups as possible. Then TM2 does the barbell work while TM1 does HSPU. This = the second 1/2 of one round.
Walt and I took 16:14 to complete this. It works out to 30 burpee-clean-and-jerks and a lot of farmer walking and HSPU. I was absolutely smoked at the end of this one. Today was as much a mental conditioning day as it was physical. Good stuff!!
One year after losing his legs to a land mine explosion in Afghanistan, Dan Cnossen is running!
photo courtesy www.dancnossen.org
This weekend he is running the Navy 5 miler in Washington DC. There is no limit to this guy's badassery! If he can run - with no legs - one year after losing them in Afghanistan - AND he's still not finished with surgeries to repair all of his internal injuries - there really are no limits!
One year after losing his legs to a land mine explosion in Afghanistan, Dan Cnossen is running!

This weekend he is running the Navy 5 miler in Washington DC. There is no limit to this guy's badassery! If he can run - with no legs - one year after losing them in Afghanistan - AND he's still not finished with surgeries to repair all of his internal injuries - there really are no limits!
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