Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fight Gone Bad 5

Today was the 5th year of Fight Gone Bad, a charity fundraiser, and my third year in a row as a participant. It's always a blast to take part in such a great event with the outstanding people that make up the central Texas CrossFit community. So here's a big "thank you" to all the volunteers who got up early and worked all morning - and a hearty "well done" to Ingrid Kantola who laid the organizational smack-down all over this year's event (she coordinated the schedule and getting the gear necessary from five separate affiliates so that over 220 athletes could take part in today's event)! Nicely done!

"Fight Gone Bad"
three rounds for points:
one minute at each station
one minute rest between rounds
score is total number of reps

push-press @ 75lbs barbell
row (calories = points)
wall ball @ 20lbs medicine ball
sumo-deadlift high-pull @ 75lbs barbell
box jump (20" box)

My score today was 326! Despite my low back and side cramping through round 3, that's a new PR! Just happy to finally break 300...

Most importantly though, I want to thank all those who donated their hard earned money to the great organizations that were sponsored by today's event!

Have a great weekend y'all! Peace.