Monday, September 13, 2010

new day, new gig, new challenge, new PRs

Today was day one of my new gig as an assistant coach at CrossFit Central. I'm the first (a.k.a. guinea pig) person enrolled in their mentorship program. I'm assisting Big Mike with the Mon-Wed-Fri 5:30, 6:15, and 7:00AM indoor classes. I'm already loving it! I can tell that it's going to be great fun to learn by working with Mike and all the different athletes we coach. I get to help these athletes achieve the kind of successes that my coaches have -and continue to- guide me towards! How cool is that??


Since I'm on the job now when I was previously training, I've shifted my training schedule to the 1:15PM Mon-Tue-Thur-Fri class with Big Mike at SICFIT Austin. Today we did more testing that was preceded by a warm-up that was... tough. The heat and humidity feel a bit different at 1:15 in the afternoon than at 6:30AM...

3 rounds:
7 deadlift @225#
7 chest-to-bar pullups
7 backsquat @155#
7 decline pushups
7 sandbag slams @30#

front squat one-rep-max(1RM)

bench press 1RM

Never having done a 1RM front squat, it was another "go by feel" training day. Once again it's glaringly obvious where my weaknesses lie: leg strength. When my bench press 1RM is 30# heavier than my front squat, and my front squat is 40# weaker than my back squat, there is no doubt what I need to focus on. I actually can't wait for the heavy squat/deadlifting days in my near future! Bring it.

Not that I'm complaining, because

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."
~ Epictetus

I'm alive! I live in the greatest city in the greatest state in the greatest country in the world! I now get to help people achieve their fitness goals! I have a wonderful family and outstanding friends! I also spent time this weekend with an amazing woman that made a crappy day... well, just wonderful.

Oh and I can bench press 40# over my bodyweight. Like Winchester posted today, we've got 99 problems but bench ain't one of 'em!

Life is good! Peace.

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