— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I saw this quote posted by CrossFit L.A. yesterday. Very timely... for me anyway... recently I've been struggling to stay focused in the moment. This quote was the right reminder at the right time! Stay focused y'all. Stay conscious that you are the decisive element...
for time:
21 L-sit pull-ups
20 pistol (one leg) squats
18 L-sit pull-ups
16 pistol squats
15 L-sit pull-ups
12 pistol squats
12 L-sit pull-ups
8 pistols
22:54 rx'd
Holy one-legged squats Batman! I'd like to blame my slowwwwwww time on my legs still being sore from Monday's back squats, but that's just wimpy. The L pull-ups weren't too bad, but the pistols just plain smoked me. At least my reps were legit, similar to this shot of Adrian Bozman's pistol squat. Though in my version I'm rocking a sweet pain face...

It's hump day y'all! We're at the summit - the apex - so it's all downhill from here! Peace.
Oh.My.Goodness. Most inspiring(agreed, timely)quote ever! Wow. And for a second, I thought it was your personal "ah ha" moment then I realized it was a quote :) Love this one!