5 rounds for time:
row 12 calories
9 deadlift @ 255lbs
6 muscle-ups
DNF. At the 20 minute cut-off I had completed 3 rounds + the row, the deadlifts and 1 muscle-up of round 4. Despite a staggered start, I had to play musical barbells. I started with 225lbs then grabbed another at 185lbs (I think it was) for rounds two and three, and an unknown weight (155lbs?) that felt light for my 4th round. Frustrated I didn't finish. I was in my own head, worrying about my back and concentrating on my technique on... each... deadlift... rep. First time doing deadlifts since my back injury and all, so I'm chalking today up to a case of nerves, 'o the Mondays, of whatever you call it.
I got some good work in today, and my back feels solid, so I'm trying to resist being overly critical of myself. For today anyhow. Since, as Jim Collins says:
"Good is the enemy of great."
I'm done dwelling on this workout. It's in the past. The opportunities now presents is what matters.
Speaking of things that matter (a hell of a lot more than working out) - I stumbled upon the website/blog of a group of people called TEAM RUBICON who are currently in Haiti doing some great things. Check out their blog to learn more about what they do as a self-financed volunteer outfit on the ground in Haiti.

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