Wednesday, September 16, 2009

16 September 2009

WOD: @ CrossFit Central
"for time"
kettlebell sumo-deadlift-high-pull @ 24kg
box jump

12:13 rx'd. Fun one today! Feeling good!

Independent correspondent Michael Yon recently posted a new dispatch from Afghanistan.

Also, European astronomers have discovered and measured the mass and density of a "rock exoplanet." Which in english means there is now evidence of a solid planet outside our solar system that's mass is "earth-like." It's too close to it's sun to possibly sustain life; it's surface temperature being 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit.


  1. You killed it today...which is good because we all need to be superfit in the event of a zombie attack, and now, an inter-galactic alien event.

  2. Jen- Wait a second, I thought y'all were from Venus?! ;)

    Georgia- Thanks! You did too! Not to worry though, if I learned anything from Shaun of the Dead, it's that all you really need in the event of a zombie attack is wit, and a good shovel...
