"CrossFit total" continued...
1 rep max deadlift
285 (PR tie), 290F, 290F
Frustrating. After a solid warm-up (135lbs x 5, 225lbs x 3, and 275lbs x 1), I pulled 285lbs solid and quick. Then... I ended up at the bakery... I cupcaked.

cup⋅cake [khup-keyk] adjective 1) to wimp out 2) giving in to the pain
It's been three months since the last total, and I know I'm stronger than I was then. Very frustrating. Doing it to myself though. It wasn't just Monday's mess-up, it started Saturday night. I drank. I drank a lot. I was exceptionally hungover Sunday. Felt blah all day Monday (and nearly injured myself that morning), and started feeling like myself again on Tuesday. I felt pretty good going into today's workout, but I let my sore back and Monday's stupidity get in my head. Thus... it was over before it began today.
On a positive note, I did make my goal of 10 consecutive pistol squats. However, I didn't make the 10 consecutive handstand-pushups. I got one. So... I left some room to improve on my HSPU!
So... it's time to refocus. JDP mentioned this on his blog today. Ask yourself the questions in his post... thanks John.
As for me:
I will not have one drop of alcohol until after FGB4.
I will PR at FGB4 with a 300+ score.
I will CrossFit 5 days a week. 3-on 1-off, 2-on 1-off.
I will continue to maintain my diet: zone-paleo(ish), 4 block meals, 3 block snacks, 3 to 5x fat.
I will not fail.
Much as I love the photo of the cupcake with sprinkles, I have to take exception to calling yourself a cupcake. 285DL? Hardly cupcake.
ReplyDeleteBut I hear you. Drinking is the devil. Vegas reminded me of that. Whew!
Thanks Mel.
ReplyDeleteJust using a little dark humor in my assesment of what happened yesterday. I just mentally gave up. When I let that happen, I try to own up to it, learn from it, and move on.
Doesn't it look tasty though? ;)