2x sled drag
sled: 135lbs
Should've started with 75lbs OHS and gone heavier, but was still feeling my hamstrings and shoulders from Wednesday's snatch work, so I'm bringing out the 'ol cupcake. I made up for it on today's smoker of a met-con...

cup⋅cake [khup-keyk] adjective 1) to wimp out 2) giving in to the pain
4 rounds for time, one minute rest between each round:
5 dual kettlebell clean and left/right press @ 35lbs KBs
10 sprawls
20 tire jumps
My round times were 1:09, 1:06, 1:15, 1:02
Round 3 sucked. Got after it on the last round though. Felt good! Stayed after class and worked strict muscle-ups and ring dips.
Happy Friday y'all!
I'm liking the 'cupcake' term. Finally, a way I can use the word without passing up on the sugary goodness of it!