Friday, July 31, 2009
31 July 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
30 July 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
29 July 2009
- Baltasar Gracian
WOD: Rest day. Apparently. I slept right through my alarm this morning. Guess I needed some sleep!
Two good reads:
Kris K's post on taking responsibility for your actions.
Michael Yon's latest dispatch from Afghanistan.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
28 July 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
new fitness goals
27 July 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
26 July 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
25 July 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
24 July 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
23 July 2009
"4 rounds for time"
400 meter run
50 squats
14:47 rx'd. Sadly that's an improved time for me on that WOD. Jassin smoked me on this one! Leg strength is still my (biggest) weakness. Well, that and HSPU...
Here's a good read for those of us inclined to get a little obsessed with our CrossFit performance (that's me).
“Give It A Rest”
Written by Mike Hom
I recently returned from a 3-week vacation full of sunshine, adventure and relaxation. I didn’t get a chance to train very much, which initially had me over the edge the first week – amazing to think withdrawals from training could really occur in these circumstances. But as the trip neared the end of the second week, I finally got around to doing some bodyweight stuff while my buddies were sleeping off the previous days’ activities. As I was doing some post-WOD mobilization, I was thinking to myself that while it was good to get in some training, I was glad that it had not been sitting in the back of my mind the entire time. In fact, I nearly forgot about working out while I was ziplining, riding elephants, and doing whatever else we tourists were doing.
By the end of the trip, I could count the number of times I trained with one hand and still have some fingers left over. Did I feel any worse? No. Did I lose some of my fitness? Most likely. Did I have an awesome trip with friends and make great memories? Sure did! Even better, I came back feeling refreshed and ready to do work at the gym after being gone from my CF family.
It’s great to be an animal in the gym and let a good portion of your life revolve around increasing your fitness, living healthy, and sharing your experiences with like-minded individuals, but don’t let it dictate your life.
Read the rest of it at the CrossFit Invictus blog.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
it's raining!!!
- Langston Hughes
22 July 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
21 July 2009
- Indian proverb
WOD: Rest Day.
Check out CrossFit at the office!
Sometimes a picture truly is worth a thousand words. Buzz Aldrin on the surface of the moon 40 years ago yesterday. Too cool. NASA photo.

Also in space news: Anthony Wesley, an amateur astronomer in Australia, tipped off NASA this morning that something (a comet is the latest guess) hit Jupiter recently.
Monday, July 20, 2009
20 July 2009
for time: 21-15-9
deadlift @ 225 lbs barbell
handstand pushup
17:32 at the rx'd weight, got one real HSPU before several failures. Switched to modified HSPU with feet up on the 32" box for the remainder. Even with modified HSPUs, it took forr-evv-errr. Finished DFL in the class.... but that's better than a DNF!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
19 July 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Chris Spealler's 106 pullups!
17 July 2009
"NorCal qualifier WOD1"
for time:
500 meter row
30 burpees
10 shoulder to overhead @ 165lbs barbell
My time was 8:26 @ 135lbs barbell. That one was a fight. Seriously. After several attempts at rx'd weight (I could clean it but didn't have the push-jerk) I stripped the bar down to 135 and finished the workout. Also added a seriously sweet scrape on the back of my neck! Safety tip kids: focus on controlling the weight down when lowering the barbell from overhead to across the shoulders! Good times...
Also: Check out Byers, err make that: Moxy-boss's paleo check-in writeup starring Austin's own Melicious!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
16 July 2009
- Albert Einstein
WOD: Rest Day!
Links worth a few minutes of your time:
Michael Yon's latest dispatch from Afghanistan. Find out more about what's really going on over there.
More on Dutch's blog discussing the 2009 CrossFit Games.
Wanna geek out nutrition-wise? Frustrated because Robb Wolf updates his blog as intermittently as he fasts? Check out PaNu.
And, just for fun: How Paleo Are You?
What I'm reading now:
The last book I read by Robert Kaplan was quite the thought-provoker so I got my hands on this one. It's a 2001 release (and pre-September 11th) so a little dated but the subject matter still applies. Good so far.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
15 July 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
14 July 2009
"10 rounds for time"
7 dumbell hang power clean
7 pushups
11:46 with 45lbs DBs. Fun one this morning! I was feeling good so at lunchtime I decided to try my own spin on a CFE style workout...
WOD 2:
"for time"
10 strict pullups, 20 parallel bar dips
begin 4 mile run
at the end of miles 1, 2, and 3 complete 20 pushups
at the end of mile 4 complete 10 strict pullups, 20 parallel bar dips
My time was 35:29. It was only about 90 degrees during my run, but I felt the heat for sure! Very different from working out at 6AM!
Monday, July 13, 2009
13 July 2009
- Vince Lombardi
Congratulations to all the competitors from CrossFit Central on everything you achieved at the 2009 CrossFit Games! Y'all rock!
Carey Kepler is the 2009 3rd fittest woman in the world!
Lindsey Smith was 5th.
Crystal McReynolds was 9th.
Jeremy Thiel finished 16th.
Lance Cantu was 34th.
The CrossFit Central Affiliate team took 2nd out of 90+ teams!
12 July's WOD:
"5 rounds for time"
9 barbell hang squat cleans
3 rope climbs (legless)
DNF. In 29:59 I completed: 2 rounds as rx'd, the 3rd round using my legs on the rope climbs, and rounds 4 and 5 with only 1 rope climb per round. Simply one of the toughest workouts I've done in awhile! My grip was gone after two rounds! I scaled the squat cleans down to 115 lbs, and they became the easy part. I will be back for this WOD again... with heavier weight and all the rope climbs legless!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
11 July 2009

Going into the last workout (of five) today: Carey is in 4th, Crystal 20th, Jeremy 14th, and Lance 36th!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Games Update!
Big Mike, Kris, Andy, Jess, Jen, and Tyler: way to go y'all!!
Jen and Big Mike finishing the deadlifts in today's last event. (photo from CrossFit Central's twitter)

Game Day!!
10 July 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
09 July 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
08 July 2009
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Good luck to all the CrossFit Central coaches and athletes headed to Aromas! Have fun and kick ass!
WOD: One more rest day. Visited my chiro doc again this morning. Got an adjustment and did some stretching on my left shoulder/neck. Feeling better; hopefully tomorrow I won't wake up with twinges of pain and muscle spasms. My neck wasn't too much of an issue throughout the cert last weekend (so long as I warmed up properly each morning). I've gotta get healed completely so as to get back to a consistent training schedule! I've also gotta do my best to not be glued to the CrossFit Games site all weekend!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
07 July 2009
- Anthony Robbins
WOD: Rest Day!
It's great to be back home, but wow... 3 days in San Diego (where the temperature was never over 75!) and I conveniently forgot what Texas in July is like... anyhow, I learned a lot and had a blast! CrossFit Central's Eric Wood and I flew out to the CrossFit Level 1 certification held at the University of San Diego. There's all kinds of things to go on about, but overall this weekend reminded me how great the CrossFit community is, and in particular, how stellar our coaching staff is at CrossFit Central! I was familiar with all the movements covered, but of course found or learned something new in each lecture and skill training session.
It's true that maybe 90% of the lectures from the cert can be found in the CrossFit Journal, but in my opinion nothing can replace the experience of being coached by such quality instructors (all with different coaching styles and insights). I felt strong in my ability to perform the basic movements going into the weekend, but every time, whether it was during the lecture or in skill practice, I saw or learned something new. For instance, while being coached by Jolie on the deadlift, I had that little light bulb go off in my head you get when it finally clicks, ya know, it just makes sense. Almost without exception every lecture or skill practice had little moments like that. There's always more to learn! I love that about CrossFit.
It wasn't all serious, Pat Barber gave the nutrition lecture which for this venue, I will just say was entertaining and educational. Pat definitely has the ability to be concise and funny at the same time... I was impressed with his coaching ability as well.
Andrew "Drew" Thompson was the guy running the show. He's been around CrossFit since the Glassman's opened the original Santa Cruz gym, and has a wealth of knowledge combined with an obvious passion to coach that is a rare thing. Check out his interview on CrossFit radio, truly a classy dude. Oh yeah - he's a Major in the United States Marine Corps who stood up the first? non-profit CrossFit affiliate: CrossFit Quantico. All things he never mentioned. He just introduced himself as Drew. What a badass.
In addition to all the cool CrossFit stuff I learned, I have to say it was just plain fun to be around such an outstanding group of people. After each day, the coaches were happy to hang around, answer questions, clarify anything, or just BS and goof off! CrossFitters are CrossFitters no matter where you are! Oh and they let us take pictures too..

Monday, July 6, 2009
06 July 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009
03 July 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
02 July 2009
- Lou Holtz
WOD: Rest day!
About my left shoulder/neck... it's same thing as before, muscle spasm in the neck and upper back, which makes every muscle around it lock up as a defence mechanism. I went to ATX Rehab for treatment yesterday afternoon and today. Dr. Fluitt and his crew were awesome. I got hooked up to the e-stem, active release stretching, and a few small chiro adjustments. Now I'm going to rest up to make sure I'm good to go for the Level I cert this weekend in San Diego!
Check out this video of CrossFit Central's Lance Cantu: ready for the games!